Fermented Rice and its nutritional facts

Have you ever thought about why our ancestors lead a healthy and energetic life and why we can't make today? 

Any guess? Or any answers?
The answer is quite simple. On older days, the people had taken high nutritious foods that are cultivated on their own using the natural fertilizers. But Now?
Everything has changed to junk foods; we are living in a Swiggy and Zomato world. Am I right?
In this busy world, everyone goes for ease and comfort and not think of health and nutrition. That’s why this generation of people are choosing junk food items and facing lots of health troubles and reduced life-time.
I have chosen this place as an opportunity to discuss one nutritious meal that has used as breakfast by our ancestors. That is none other than Fermented Rice

Fermented Rice (Pazhaya Saadam/ Soru)
In Tamil, it is called Pazhaya Saadam/Soru, In Malayalam, it is called Pazham Kanji, In Hindi, it is called Paani Waala Chawal. 
On those days in South India, the fermented rice played a crucial role in the lives of the people. Yes, before moving to the agricultural field, they had fermented rice as a morning meal with the side dish small onion or green chilli.

An interview with Tamil lady who shared her review about fermented rice.

Let's watch the video:

Nowadays, people moving up the food chain and looked down on fermented rice as the pauper’s food and ignored the best nutritional value it provides.
But, did you know fermented rice has the power to pack nutritional values and health benefits? Even fermented rice holds high nutritional values than white rice.  
In rice grains, the phosphorous molecules are well bound to the phytic acid, making them unavailable to the human body when we eat it. While fermenting due to lactic acid bacteria break down the anti-nutritional factors in rice results in an improved bioavailability of micro-nutrients and minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, etc.
For example, after 12 hours of fermentation of 100gms of rice, the availability of iron changed from 3.4mg to 73.91mg.
Henceforth, after research, Food Scientists believe the traditional food of South India as the best for breakfast, which has rare B6, B12 vitamins, that are not available in other diet supplements.

Note: If you are interested to know more about fermented foods/recipes of Southeast Asia, I suggest this following book☟

Have a look at the great nutritional values of the Fermented Rice:

  • Beneficial naturally formed bacteria helps in digestion, and increase the immunity level of body
  • Removes constipation, that it holds high fibre
  • B6, B12 Vitamins
  • Blood pressure is normalized, and hypertension subsides appreciably
  • Cools the body, and maintains body temperature
  • Removes allergy-induced problems, and skin-related ailments

As discussed earlier, fermented rice holds high nutritional factors, but unfortunately people today, ignoring this due to various reasons. Whatever it is, I request you to think of your health and correct your diet to lead a healthy life as like our grandma’s and grandpa’s who lead a stronger, happier life.
Last but not least, do you agree there is a scientific reason for the actions of our Tamil ancestors, this is also revealed in this Fermented rice, i.e. it holds nutritional values than white rice. So please take this food to the next generation too.
Add fermented rice in your daily diet & stay stronger, happier with your family!!
Be Healthy...Live Happily!!!
